Lasik Eye Surgery Information .Before the appearance of computers and lasers, the main tools available to an eyecare specialist were a scalpel, a steady hand, a medical background and perhaps some engineering knowledge. The premise was that if they could modify the shape of the cornea, then possibly they could effect permanent improvement to their patient's vision. The first procedure to show the possibility of achieving a positive result . You Can Accept one of our "top picks" website for Know about more >>>>>>>
Laser Eye Surgery Risks and Benefits

Laser eye surgery is performed by using a computer controlled laser. Laser surgery is useful for people with shortness of vision and also those who suffer from astigmatism. More than 80% of the people undergoing the laser surgery are satisfied with the results of the surgery. However, there are some laser eye surgery risks, which the person willing to undergo a laser surgery should be aware of. You should consult your eye specialist before taking this important decision. Ocular surgery is another way for laser eye surgery. Opthalmologists carry out this surgery on the adnexa of the eye of the patient. Every patient willing to undergo the laser eye surgery is recommended to be fully aware of the laser eye surgery risks and benefits.

Types of Eye Surgeries
Photo refractive keratectomy or PRK and LASIK are the two main types of vision correction surgeries, which are performed over patients with eye related disorders. The LASIK is a type of refractive eye surgery. This eye surgery is sometimes also written as Lasik. The main purpose of the LASIK surgery is to help the patients recover from eye related disorders such as hyperopia, astigmatism and myopia. The photorefractive keratectomy can also be called as the advanced surface ablation. The LASIK surgery type is always preferred over photorefractive keratectomy or PRK because, after the surgery is over, the patient recovers faster than the PRK surgery. To add to this, the pain caused to the patient during the LASIK surgery is much less than the PRK type. People who do not like to wear spectacles or contact lenses should go for the Lasik surgery. However, the PRK is also a widely used eye surgery.

Benefits of Laser Surgery
There are many laser eye surgery benefits. Laser surgery is like a one time investment. Once you recover completely from it, you can save a lot of money on eye examinations, buying contact lenses and eye solutions and drops. You would not require to wear your spectacles all the time. Maintaining contact lenses is a big issue for many people. You can get a permanent relief from all the contact lens related eye problems. You will be able to do all your day to day activities like shaving, playing sports like cricket, athletics football, swimming and hockey, working on the computer in your office, driving a vehicle without wearing spectacles. Apart from eye specialist's fees and medicines, you will also be saving a lot of money on your optician visits. Many people feel more self confident and also satisfied and happy with their new look without spectacles!

Laser Eye Surgery Risks
Although laser eye surgery has brought happiness and comfort in many patients lives, it is advisable to be aware of the laser eye surgery risks. Many people who undergo the laser eye surgery experience dryness in their eyes. Dry eyes after Lasik eye surgery is due to the reduced capacity of the eyes to produce tears due to the damaging of the corneal nerves. The tears produced by the eyes help to keep the eyes moist. This side effect of the laser surgery may or may not be permanent. Due to this dryness in the eyes, the ability of the eyes to see things properly decreases. Laser surgeries in certain people have led to a serious condition known as corneal ectasia.

Corneal ectasia is characterized by the presence of a fluid build-up in the eye which underwent the laser surgery. If this kind of complications arise, then eye surgeons usually recommend the corneal transplant operation. The possibility of a vision loss due to the laser surgeries also cannot be ruled out. The issues like blurred vision, possibility of developing a double vision are also common side effects of this surgery. Some people face problems while viewing things or driving at night. The patients need to be very careful and take precautionary measures to avoid infections after the surgery. Some patients do complain that their earlier vision was better than the vision after surgery. This question raises doubts about the effectiveness of the laser surgery. Retinal detachment and cornea problems also follow after laser surgery in some cases. The above mentioned laser eye surgery risks are not applicable for each and every individual. Researchers over the world are studying the laser eye surgery risks and benefits to discover better options for patients.

People of different age groups are considering the option of laser eye treatment. Instead of comparing your case with other patients, it is wise to consult your doctor, if this kind of surgery would suit you.

By Charlie S
Published: 8/17/2009

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Dry Eyes After Lasik Eye Surgery

Lasek eye surgery therapy is a process conducted for solving indicative errors that are usually associated with disorders in the form of the cornea. This surgery therapy involves removal of the cornael cells for reshaping the cornea and / or better eye focusing power. Lasek eye surgery therapy is effective for treating indicative eye issues, like, near sightedness (myopia), far sightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism. After surgery therapy, a individual can recover fully from blurred perspective situation and may not require to use contacts or glasses.

Apart from the benefits, there are certain Lasek eye surgery therapy threats. One of the most commonly observed complications is dry sight. The degree of dry eye syndrome may be higher in sufferers who have had the dry eye situation before surgery. To be able to minimize risks of Lasek eye surgery therapy, one should consult and check with an experienced ophthalmologist or eye surgeon regarding the benefits and drawbacks of surgery therapy.

Lasik Eye Surgery Risks: Dry Eyes

As a part of the Lasek eye surgery for perspective modification, a flap of cornael tissue is first raised by using a microkeratome (special knife). Then, laser energy is applied to the actual cornael cells for rectifying the form of cornea. After modification of the cornael form, the cornael flap is restored and secured in its original position. During the process of lifting and restoring the cornael flap, damage of fine cornael nerves may occur, which in turn disturbs the regular signaling for release of holes.

The interruption of cornael nerve desires resulting after Lasek eye surgery therapy leads to less development of holes, leading to short-term dry sight. Speaking about dry sight, it is a situation in which the sight do not secrete sufficient amount of holes for providing natural lubrication. The noticeable signs of dry sight are burning sensation, prickling, discomfort, scratchiness, improved sensitivity to smoke and unwanted mucous release in and around the sight. At times, dry sight may cause unwanted split development due to improved discomfort to the sight.

It is regular to experience short-term dry sight after Lasek surgery therapy. In fact, majority of the sufferers manifest dry eye signs after the surgery. Nevertheless, the cause for concern is the harshness of the situation and the duration of the symptom. In general, dry sight after Lasek eye surgery therapy is settled within six several weeks after the surgery. During the six several weeks healing period, the eye appropriate care professional usually prescribes usage of appropriate eye drops and appropriate eye appropriate want to be able to manage the signs effectively.

Unfortunately, however, for some Lasek eye surgery therapy sufferers, dry sight may become a long- term eye problem. For such sufferers, the eye appropriate care professional may consider specific strategy to dry sight depending upon the actual cause. One such therapy option is presenting silicone plugs in the split ducts, which helps in reducing depleting of holes from the sight. To be able to expect an asymptomatic post Lasek surgery therapy, it is practical to appropriate dry sight before conducting the surgery.

The individual should also gather information regarding Lasek and dry sight. He / she should disclose any previous dry eye issues to the ophthalmologist for appropriate fixation, before surgery therapy. Overall, the possibility of dry sight after Lasek can be minimized by appropriate candidate selection and therapy of actual eye issues before the surgery is conducted.

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